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Math Search

Solving equations may look like a piece of cake to the math masters, but is it still easy when you need to spot the needle in the haystack? Come and check if you are observant enough in this interesting puzzle...

Word Search II

Can you spot the needles in the haystack? Your target in this game is to find out all of the given words on the grid. You will be given a large grid which contains numerous letter tiles, and a word...

Hex Search Tool

The Hex Search Tool focuses on the searching capability, it allows you to find Text and Hex patterns where all or only part of the pattern is known. This can aid to find programming code where literal values are not...

GMX Search for Windows

GMX Search for Windows - In one click to the desired result. Without detours. - Search conveniently and find directly - Always ready in the Windows Taskbar - Quickly switch to private mode - Free choice of preferred browser -...

Global Search

Need to find a file that contains specific words in a large pile of files and folders on your computer? this program can help you find it quickly. For programmers, it can also help find sql server objects that contain...

